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Islington & Shoreditch Housing Association (ISHA)
102 Blackstock Road
London N4 2DR

0300 131 7300

Old Lien Viet

Emergency Repairs


Emergency repairs are repairs that need to be done within 24 hours. They are classified as:


1      Exposed electrical wiring likely to cause death or serious injury.

2      No lighting or power.

3      Uncontrollable water leak.

4      Damage to any external door or window, if situated on ground floor

     or basement  level, which prevents tenant(s) from securing the property

     against unauthorized entry (Board up only).

5      Generally any disrepair causing danger to life or limb.

6      Circumstances where the tenant is at risk because of age or disability. 

     We will aim to respond quickly to the failure of heating or hot water system.

7      Blocked drain.

8      Ceiling on the verge of collapse.

9      Gas leak or loss of supply.

10  Damage due to acts of racist or sexist motivation.


For further information, please refer to your Tenants Handbook.