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Islington & Shoreditch Housing Association (ISHA)
102 Blackstock Road
London N4 2DR

0300 131 7300

Welcome to Islington and Shoreditch Housing Association

0300 131 7300


Information on letting standards, renting on the open market, mutual exchange and transfers.

  • Becoming an ISHA tenant

    This page explains the ways to become an ISHA tenant.

  • Letting standards

    This page sets out the standard that ISHA properties will meet when they are let to new tenants.

  • Renting on the open market

    ISHA rent a small number of properties at market rent. This means we own homes that we rent out at the same levels as private landlords. Market rents are not subsidised, and you do not need to be registered with your local authority to rent these properties.

  • Mutual exchange

    You can exchange or swap your home with another ISHA tenant or a tenant from another housing association or council anywhere in the country, provided both landlords give permission. This is called mutual exchange.

  • Transfers

    Information for ISHA tenants who want to move to another home and ISHA's transfer policy.

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